Why does my corgi make weird noises around me?

19 Weird Noises That Corgis Make (And What They Mean)

So, your corgi is making some weird noises and sounds.

And you have no idea why.

In this article, we’ll talk about:

  • Why your corgi makes all those strange noises
  • What those noises mean
  • Why your corgi growls, talks back, or howls
  • The various sounds corgis can make
  • And more

Sound good? Let’s read the corgi sound dictionary.

Why does my corgi make weird noises?

Corgis are known to be extremely vocal dogs.

This means a variety of sounds may come out of your corgi than you’d probably guess:

  1. Groans “Why do you all have to be in different rooms?”
  2. Moans “Last time I went to Disneyland, I got 3 shots.”
  3. Barks “Hi.”
  4. Sniffs “Do I smell cheese?”
  5. Sneezes “Bless me.”
  6. Reverse sneezes “Bless you.”
  7. Howls “Why do garbage trucks have to be outdoors?”
  8. Yelps “Don’t do that!”
  9. Sighs “You people suck.”
  10. “Talking back” noises “Heh. Sure.”
  11. “Wookie” noise “I am Chewbacca.”
  12. Whines “But I don’t want to be alone.”
  13. Talking “Why don’t you ever answer my questions correctly?”
  14. Grunting “Can’t. Reach. Couch.”
  15. Grumbling “One day I’ll herd all of you.”
  16. The infamous “arooooo” “It ain’t over until the corgi aroos.”
  17. Gargling “Hangry.”
  18. Closed mouth bark “Say that to my ears and see what happens.”
  19. Purring (yes, this is real)

What do you think of that list of corgi sounds? Does it match yours?

This could be because both Pembroke and Cardigan corgis were bred to be herding dogs that communicate with their owners.

Since dogs can’t speak, they use a variety of sounds they make to communicate with their owners.

Corgis have the reputation of being a yappy breed, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that these dogs make a lot of noise.

Everything from the list above can be heard depending on the personality of your dog. Some owners say that specific actions trigger the dog to make specific sounds.

For example, one owner said that when their corgi is taken to the vet and got its temperature checked, the corgi groaned like it was the “worst experience ever.”

Another owner said when they come back from work, the corgi gets super excited and noisy.

And another owner said that when stretching or getting a snack, their corgi will make the “roorooroo” sound.

Some people think that the sounds corgis make are absolutely adorable. While others think they’re just plain weird.

How do I know if my corgi is happy?

You’ll come to learn with time.

Corgi owners want their corgi to be the happiest they can be. So it’s only obvious that you care to make your corgi happy.

The trick is to know the various things that make your corgi content.

Depending on the personality of the dog, some will be super excited with wagging (blob) tails, jumping, barking, and possibly even playful nipping.

Other corgis may be relaxed, slow blinking, and slow tail wagging with licking.

Signs of a happy corgi

There are so many different corgi personalities just like humans, so it’s hard to say for sure.

The easiest way to find out:

  • Does your corgi give you all of its attention?
  • Does your corgi follow you around, anxious to see what you’re doing next?
  • Does your corgi look you in the eyes?
  • Does your corgi attempt to bring you toys, nudge you for walks, or expect to follow a schedule?

If your corgi is focused on you and not preoccupied with something else, this is a good sign that your corgi is happy and content.

Signs of an unhappy corgi

If it’s unhappy, you’ll notice the negative behaviors and your dog will be constantly preoccupied with something else.

This is because he’ll attempt to “fix” whatever it is that’s missing or void in his life. But if he’s happy, he’ll be focused on you more than his own ulterior motives.

Here are some signs your corgi is unhappy:

  • Constantly pacing back and forth
  • Seeming like he’s distracted
  • Not responding to commands or cues
  • Loss of interest in previous things he used to enjoy
  • Aloof to interactions
  • Excess shedding, sleeping, or barking
  • Other abnormal behavior

Depending on how the dog was socialized, raised, current diet, weight, and even the time of the year can all have an effect on the dog’s mood. It’s important to take your dog to the vet if you notice any symptoms.

Note that because personalities vary, there’s no surefire way to answer this. That’s impossible.

That’s like saying “how do you know if a human is happy?”

Some people express happiness by jumping for joy while others are calm and break down to tears. There are different ways to show happiness in humans, so the same can be exciting for corgis.

But one thing you can probably count on is the strange noises they make.

Do corgis talk a lot?

Yes, they do.

As you probably know, corgis are vocal dogs and aren’t afraid to express their emotions and mood through a variety of barks, huffs, puffs, moans, groans, whines, and howls.

These dogs will make noises that almost give them human-like emotions when you think about it.

After all, they’re a very smart breed that can definitely recognize and read human emotions, as with most other breeds.

That’s why some bad corgi behavior can be corrected with just an evil eye!

Corgis are talkative and social creatures, so you might as well talk to them and incorporate the vocality. They like to talk to each other and their owners, as corgis rarely are to be left home alone.

These dogs will go crazy and develop negative destructive behavior if left alone and poorly exercised. Keep them tired.

Keep them mentally stimulated. And you’ll have a happy corgi.

Corgis talk. The hard part is finding out what they’re saying. Some owners say that they babysit dogs and whenever it’s a corgi, it talks. A lot.

  • Your corgi may grumble as it looks for the best lap in the house to sit on.
  • Or your corgi may be yappy until his favorite toy is given (the one you gave the first time around).
  • Or maybe even your corgi will start laughing when you tickle him under the chin.

Corgis have a lot to say and sometimes will even talk back to their owners with closed mouth barks. It seems like many corgi owners enjoy the fact that corgis are such noisy dogs and vocal because it makes them different.

Why does my corgi growl at me?

Corgi makes weird noises.
Aggressive corgi? Something’s not right.

So many reasons. Is your corgi genuinely upset with you?

Or is it more of a playful growl? Or are you mistaking the growl for a grunt or grumble?

Since these dogs like to talk and talk back to their owners, there are many different reasons why your corgi may be growling.

The easiest way to find out is to find out what exactly is making him growl in the first place.

  • Did you poke him while he’s eating?
  • Does he have socialization problems and guards his food or toys?
  • Did you start messing with his crate, bed, or sleeping quarters?
  • Or was he an adopted corgi that had a poor or traumatic experience in the past?

You’ll need to find out if his growls are serious, and where they’re coming from. What triggers him?

Does he show other signs of aggression at the same time he grows? This is key to finding out.

Do corgis talk back?

Yes, owners have reported that their corgi will “talk back” at them when they don’t want to obey or are hesitant to follow a command.

This usually is done by the corgi with the mouth completely shut and letting out a small bark inside. The bark is audible and easily heard, but sounds more like a muffled woof.

Your corgi may “talk back” in quick succession in one or two closed mouth barks.

While most corgis will continue to follow and obey the command, they’re not doing it for free.

Be sure to reward them with a treat or else next time he may outright refuse or break the conditioning.

Further reading

Here are some additional references you may want to check out:

Did you find out the secrets behind your corgi sounds?

Why your corgi makes strange noises.
A happy corgi.

By now, you should have a dictionary of corgi sounds and somewhat know the reason behind each of them.

If you have any other strange ones to tell, leave a comment!

Thanks for reading.

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3 years ago

This site has lots of extremely helpful stuff on it! Thanks for helping me.