Wondering when your corgi will calm down?!
Corgis are a big bundle of energy from puppyhood until adulthood (and then some!).
In this article, you’ll learn:
- Why corgis are so hyper and active
- At what age your corgi should start to mature
- Ways to calm down your corgi puppy
- How to tire and exercise your dog
These smart and stubborn dogs can be calculating, mischievous, and seemingly nonstop puppy action that’ll tire you out before you even put a dent into your corgi’s daily energy expenditure.
Sound good? Let’s dive right in.
Table of Contents
Corgis are active dogs

For first-time corgi owners, they often don’t expect this level of high energy from their puppy.
They often think that all they need to do is bring the dog on one or two walks and that’ll tire out the dog- ready for a full night’s sleep.
But then, they discover that even after the third walk of the day, the corgi puppy still has energy like no other.
This leads to many corgi owners wondering if corgis ever actually calm down. Or at what age do corgis outgrow their puppy stage. Or even what owners can do to keep their corgi exercised and entertained.
We’ll cover some of the most common questions and suggestions here.
The answers given here are not to be set in stone, as most of them are suggestions gathered from personal experience and opinions of everyday corgi owners.
Are corgis calm dogs?
No, generally not.
Corgis are extremely active (it’s in their genes to be herding dogs) and thus require constant attention, exercise, and food. They’re excited, loud, agile, and vocal.
Some owners have even stated that their corgi is out of control, let alone about to abandon and give up on the puppy!
If you’re looking for a puppy that requires minimal care and attention and will be happy sitting in a lap all day- look elsewhere.
The majority of corgis are anything but calm and will require a significant portion of your daily time to raise for the next 24 months.
When do corgis mature and calm down?

Just like human personalities, there is no exact date or age when a corgi will begin to show signs of calmness.
They don’t settle down that quickly, and some corgis may never fully settle in terms of activity.
Some owners have reported that their corgis started to calm down around 1 to 2 years of age. In the beginning, it can be very difficult to handle a corgi puppy.
It just may very well be a second job for many new owners, given the sheer amount of attention, work, and care that must be given to take care of it.
You may not be able to watch TV, read, or even eat with all the constant attention you need to give the puppy.
The early end of the spectrum seems to be right around the 8-month mark, with most owners reporting around the 2-year mark.
Corgis are extremely active dogs, so it’ll take quite some time before the puppy calms down. If this is something you’re trying to rush, it’s entirely dependent on the dog’s personality.
How you raise the dog has little effect on how quickly or slowly the dog takes to mature. New owners are very surprised at how much energy corgi puppies really have.
My corgi is extremely calm- is it normal?
Yes, some corgis can be calm straight from birth and this is normal.
Although most corgi puppies are raucous and nonstop mischief-makers, some puppies are actually very calm and can be a pleasure to care for straight from the start.
Just like human babies that can be calm and not quarrelsome, there are definitely corgi puppies out there that are of similar effect.
However, most corgi puppies will be hyper and aggressive with a lack of calmness until around 2 years of age.
So enjoy your calm corgi and admire that splooting.
How to calm down a corgi

If your corgi is hyper and constantly bouncing around, there’s not much you can do to directly influence this behavior as it’s normal for most puppies no matter the breed.
What you can do is raise it properly so that it’ll settle down into a mature adult that obeys commands and listens to its owner. If nothing is done, the dog may grow up thinking that wrongful behaviors are OK and continue to be destructive even as a corgi adult.
Here are some things you can do at home to calm down your corgi puppy.
Provide a safe place
If your corgi has an established area that it usually sleeps in, move your dog to that area. It’ll recognize that it’s bedtime and possibly settle down.
This means using some soft blankets, the dog bed or create, or whatever other materials your dog is used to remind the dog it’s safe.
Your corgi will associate these materials with sleep, which is a low energy activity and may help calm down your puppy.
This will help alleviate stress, which in turn helps with everything else from healthy shedding to appetitive.
Don’t hype your dog
This can be obvious, but if you want to calm your corgi down, you should act calm also. Corgis will feed off the energy from their environment.
So if you’re bouncing around telling your dog to calm down, it’s probably not going to work. Talk in a calm, soothing voice and your dog will mirror the same.
Use slow petting
When you pet your dog, move slowly and use full, slow petting on the body.
Don’t excite the corgi by brushing or petting quickly. Use slow and repetitive movements. Watch its tail for excitement if you have a Cardigan or undocked Pembroke corgi.
The faster you pet, the faster the tail wags. You’ll want to keep wagging to a minimum.
Play soothing music
Dogs respond to their environment, and using soft and calm music can help calm your corgi.
This is very useful for new puppies that are adjusting to a new environment. You can play some classical music to help reduce their stress, anxiety, and fear.
Use music without dramatic sounds and no vocals.
Here’s an example of a soundtrack you can play:
Use a chew toy
The puppy may respond to chew toys which can help soothe their teeth before they sleep.
Chew toys also help keep them distracted and attentive to the toy rather than stressful or frightening situations.
Play with your dog
As simple as it sounds, giving your puppy your complete attention and distracting it from being destructive or hyper can help calm down your corgi. This means doing low energy activities like taking a walk or doing tricks.
Teach your dog the “calm” command
You can teach your corgi to be “calm” or “settle” so you can use it when necessary.
For example, if you’re out in public and your corgi goes crazy, you can use a settle command to make it relax.
You can also use it when the dog gets too rough during play or when it gets hyped up due to the surrounding environment.
The “settle” command can be taught by using clicker training when your dog calms down. Wait for your dog to settle and simmer down, click, then reward. Repeat and use a phrase like “calm” or “settle down.”
Don’t beg and don’t be excited during training, even if your dog gets the command. You want your corgi to calm down and stay calm, rather than becoming riled up right after the command is performed. Use soft praises and petting with a no-nonsense tone.
How to tire out a corgi

Along with regular walks and plenty of both physical and mental exercise, you can keep your corgi entertained and tire it out by doing any of these activities.
Feel free to repeat them multiple times per day until you notice that your puppy is noticeably more tired (lying down, panting, moving slower, etc.).
Play Tug of War
There have been reports that a simple game of Tug O’ War can be a strength-building, bonding, and strenuous exercise all at once.
Sometimes you should let your dog actually keep possession of the rope, but keep this to a minimum as you don’t want the dog to think it’s dominant over you.
This means by tugging a rope from your corgi’s mouth back and forth (watch out for the teeth!) can be a very strenuous and useful exercise for your puppy.
Just dangle the rope in front of the dog a few times to get his attention, and then start tugging back and forth for 10 minutes.
Repeat and switch it up with different ropes, textures, and environments to prevent the dog from getting accustomed to it and bored.
Play Fetch
Another old-time classic dog game is Fetch. You can toss a tennis ball, stick, or use an apparatus to launch a ball over and over again.
Corgis are very active and need to work to please their owners.
Corgis that are lazy or sedentary will become destructive, sad, and depressed over time. If you’re feeling very lazy, you can even buy an automated ball launcher for an automatic way to play Fetch.
Go on bike rides
In an open area that’s secure, you can ride your bike with your corgi running by your side.
Biking is extremely easy on the joints and uses very little energy for you, so you can bike for miles without feeling tired.
Your dog, on the other hand, will be getting plenty of exercises that are gruesome and extremely healthy for the body. Just be sure to take breaks in timed intervals and supply water each time.
Watch your corgi’s running speed as each time you bike, your dog will be able to run fewer minutes as it gets more and more tired. This is a quick and efficient way to tire out your corgi and keep it exercised.
Further reading
Here are some additional resources you may find useful:
- Teach Your Dog to ‘Go Settle’ – Positively
- 3 Ways to Calm a Puppy – WikiHow
- How To Calm A Hyper Dog – Cesar’s Way
Did you calm down your corgi?

You now have everything you need to know to help calm down your corgi!
Most puppies will settle down right around the 2-year mark, but just like humans, there will be some corgi puppies that calm faster and others later.
Always be patient with your puppy and teach it the right commands and behaviors. This will lead to an obedient, well-trained, and happy corgi!

Roy has owned 14 dog breeds, with corgis being his absolute favorite. He’s a self proclaimed “corgi whisperer,” whatever that means. He enjoys hiking, videogames, binging on shows, and writing (that’s why he’s here).